Home | Simon in Australia here. I need a full set of Cleveland wheels and brakes for my 19A sport. Any help to source a set would be appreciated.

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Simon in Australia here. I need a full set of Cleveland wheels and brakes for my 19A sport. Any help to source a set would be appreciated.

Simon in Australia here. I need a full set of Cleveland wheels and brakes for my 19A sport. Any help to source a set would be appreciated.

Bob Steward, A&P-IA
Over the years I’ve bought used from salvage yards and new from Cleveland through distributors. Of late I’ve been having a harder and harder time finding GOOD wheels from salvage. I went though 11 wheel halves trying to make 2 good main wheels.

On the new-parts front, Cleveland seems to have closed down production, and will make sets only on special order. Unless you can find someone with a set on the shelf, expect to be quoted 4-6 weeks lead time, and then have it actually turn out to be better than 8 weeks. Also, the falling dollar will help you some outside the US, but the price increases that Cleveland has instituted have really shocked those who haven’t bought recently. Expect close to $2000 USD for a full set of new parts.

You can look up the exact part numbers here:

One method I was using when trying to find good used wheel halves was to reverse-engineer the catalog look up and find other part number wheels with the same wheel halves and then check the salvage yards for “Cessna” or “Mooney” wheels in hopes of finding serviceable wheel halves.

If you spend some time looking at the catalog, you’ll be surprised how many wheels are actually the same components with a different data plate number, and how many wheels vary by which felt seal and backing rings are installed on one side from an otherwise identical wheel. So don’t give up if you can’t find the exact P/N assembly you want, you may be able to collect up a set by scouring the parts manual for the assemblies that are made of the right part number halves.

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