Home | BACFest Early Registration Ends Oct. 1st!

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BACFest Early Registration Ends Oct. 1st!

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If you are not a member scroll down to the bottom of this article.

PhotobucketThe foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains will be the site for this year’s gathering of the baby Beeches. Gatlinburg-Pigeon Forge airport (KGKT) is located five miles away from The Oak Tree Lodge, which will serve as headquarters for BAC Fest 2009.
Registration will be coming soon to the web site. Unlike past years the host hotel has no online reservation option, you will need to call the hotel to register.
See you in Tennessee this fall!

BAC Fest 2009
Gatlinburg, TN
October 14 – 18, 2009

The foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains will be the site for this year’s gathering of the baby Beeches. Gatlinburg-Pigeon Forge airport (KGKT) is located five miles away from The Oak Tree Lodge, which will serve as headquarters for BAC Fest 2009.

Registration Fee: Members $75 per person (less than last year)
$100 per person after October 1

Non-Members $100 per person (less than last year)
$125 per person after October 1
(includes 6 months BAC membership)

Hotel & Reservation Information:

The Oak Tree Lodge
1620 Parkway
Sevierville, TN 37862 For Reservations Call:

You may visit the hotel on the web at www.theoaktreelodge.com however, reservations must be made by phone and be sure to identify yourself as being with Beech Aero Club.

Group Room Rates: $95 two queen beds
$115 king bed suite (limited number available)
Plus local taxes
Complimentary continental breakfast if staying in the hotel

For those traveling by commercial air, the Knoxville, TN airport is 35 miles to the west and is approximately 50 minutes away by car.

If you would like to rent a car, Enterprise has a satellite office located at KGKT airport. Advance reservations are required by calling the local number, 1-865-908-3044. Let them know you’re with Beech Aero Club and you would like to pick your car up at the airport.

The Gatlinburg-Pigeon Forge-Sevierville area is geared toward tourism and is filled with restaurants, entertainment, activities and shopping. Tanger Outlet Mall is located directly across the street from Oak Tree Lodge. Additionally, a trolley system services the entire area (not including the airport) with a pick-up point adjacent to our hotel.

The middle of October is typically peak season for the changing of leaves, making for beautiful scenery throughout the Smoky Mountain Region. Be sure to bring your camera.

A preliminary schedule of events:

Wednesday, October 14
Early arrivals.
Optional group dinner at Damon’s Restaurant located adjacent to Oak Tree Lodge.

Thursday, October 15
Possible fly-out to Tullahoma, TN (KTHA), home of the Beechcraft Heritage Museum.
Have lunch and tour the museum. Tullahoma is located 136 miles west of KGKT. For those flying in from the west, perhaps you plan to meet the group in KTHA before going on to KGKT.

Welcome reception with appetizers and drinks. 5:30-6:30 at Oak Tree Lodge convention center.

Dinner at your leisure.

Friday, October 16
“How To Sessions” at the airport. Watch, look and listen while typical aircraft repairs are demonstrated and explained.

Vendor display at Oak Tree Lodge convention center.

Casual reception at Oak Tree followed by dinner at your leisure.

Saturday, October 17 (the big day)
Morning at your leisure.

Luncheons at Oak Tree, Noon – 2:00.

Annual Banquet at Oak Tree, cocktails beginning at 5:30, dinner at 6:30
Tom Turner, guest speaker.

Sunday, October 18

See you in Tennessee!

Register at https://www.beechaeroclub.org/bac_fest+main.html.

NON-MEMBERS: You can first join BAC then return to the BACFest registration page. If you don’t want to join BAC but would like to register and attend BACFest 2009, then simply register on the BAC site first, then you return to the registration page. By registering the system will assign you a number and is designed to then allow you to register for BACFest. If you have any trouble email chris@beechaeroclub.org

Thank you for adding to the resources available for your Fellow BAC Members.