Home | Southeastern Fly-in at Fantasy of Flight

Southeastern Fly-in at Fantasy of Flight

One week from yesterday is the Southeastern Fly-in at Fantasy of Flight. Please confirm and /or make up your minds to attend. I will turn in the attendee list this Thursday morning. I need your info by Wednesday evening. I have the following confirmed (17 attendees / 10 birds / 1 car / 1 maybe -not listed):Oz Unk – drive / fly

John Amundsen?s son N UNK

Richard (Jabberwocky) N UNK

Ed & Holly N1476L

John Amundsen N180ED

Paula & Michael Rellihan N18767

Chuz & Robin Chamberlain N9749Q

Gary Boyce N6881X

Sebastian & Kirsten Uebrig N1471L

Richard Ross N13FC

Jeff Ryndak N2008T

Bill Howard & son car

I need the N numbers from John Amundsen’s son and Richard. That gives us exactly ten aircraft (the minimum required for FoF to host a fly-in). We can do better; we usually have nearly twice that at our gatherings. I know the month lead gave us lots of advance notice; too far to plan? There is good weather planned for Central Florida next weekend so y’all come on down.

Blue Skies,


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