Home | FAA grants "Wings" credit for BAC flight ops web discussion.

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FAA grants "Wings" credit for BAC flight ops web discussion.

As far as my FAA contacts can tell this is a first for any type club! We have received approval for the Wings program for our online Flight Ops discussions. This means that you can register for our web discussion group and take part in our own BAC safety and operations discussion while receiving credit toward a wings segment of continuing training! Some insurance companies will grant a discount if you complete a wings section, check with yours.
I am obviously excited that BAC has accomplished this for our members and I believe that it recognizes our group commitment to safe flying and our ability to provide “Mouse Specific” educational forums!
If you are not familiar with this program I suggest that you log on to Faasafety.gov and read about the program. It is well worth creating an account and profile just to read the free information available and receive notice of upcoming events and seminars.
Our first accredited discussion will be Tuesday Feb 24 at 8pm eastern time. The login details for the seminar/discussion will be posted on our BAC forums. But if you want the FAA Wings credit you will also need to register on the FAA website at Faasafety.gov.
This is really an honor to be accredited and I think it is another mark of our Beechness that we are the first type club to receive this FAA approval for our discussions.

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Thank you for adding to the resources available for your Fellow BAC Members.